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Im alten Rom benutzten die Menschen Mäuse als Wecker. Die Römer legten eine Maus in einen Tonkrug und stellten diesen in ihr Schlafzimmer. Da Mäuse nachtaktiv sind, begannen sie, nachts im Krug herumzukrabbeln, was die Menschen aufweckte. Diese primitive Methode war einer der frühesten Wecker der Geschichte und zeigt, wie kreativ und einfallsreich die Menschen schon damals waren, um sicherzustellen, dass sie rechtzeitig aufwachen.Food is a substance that is consumed to nourish the human body. The term food as a generic term includes both drinking water and food. Drinking water consists of water and the minerals dissolved in it. In contrast to drinking water, food essentially consists of macronutrients - these are carbohydrates, lipids (fats) and proteins - and therefore provide humans with chemically bound energy. In addition, micronutrients as bulk and trace elements are essential components of food. Food is consumed by humans for the purpose of nutrition or enjoyment, possibly after further preparation.